Monday, June 15, 2009

Mr Obamaaaaaa.... Ssssssilvioberlusconi!

In diretta dalla Casa Bianca (Silvio: "come l'è bianca, uè, ma non è abbronzata anche quella neh?" risate del pubblico pagante), la cronaca dell'incontro al vertice tra Silvio Berlusconi, miliardario, tycoon, self-made man, fondatore di Mediaset, Combattente della Libertà, Cavaliere di San Giorgio contro il Drago Comunista, nonchè cantautore, e tale Mr Barack Obama, presidente degli usa.

Silvio: "Mr Obamaaaaaaa.... Ssssssssilvioberlusconi! nais tu mit iu!"
Secret Service officer: "Mr Berlusconi, I'm afraid you are making a mistake, the President is waiting for you in his office"
Silvio: "Diar mister president, ai em ze best frend of america, ai faigt communist oll of mai laif..."
Secret Service officer: "Mr Berlusconi, please this way"
Silvio: "Ah, Mr Obamaaaaaa... Sssssssilvioberlusconi! Aim so sorri for ze misteik, iu nou, iu tanned pipol oll luk ze seim..."
Barack: "Mr Berlusconi, our countries are allies and..."
Silvio: "ies, ies, es ai oluais sed to dabia, iu nou dabia, Giorg, ies, giorg dabia busc, Italy is Americas best frend, ier is a uotch for iu, its very expensiv iu nou, ai personally peid for it"
Barack: "Thank you Mr Berlusconi. As I was saying, we are looking forward to Italy stepping up its effort in the war against terrorism, especially in Afghanistan and with Guantanamo prisoners. Germany for example..."
Silvio: "Italy is better zen ze krauts, es ai oluais coll zem with mai gud frends gherard end anghela, so if zei sei zei uill send 5 tausand trups in Afganistan and teik 1 prisoner from Guantanamo, Italy uill send 10 tausand and teik 3 prisoners. du iu laik ze uotc? I olso uld laik tu invait iu to mai villa in sardinia, iu nou, a nais gai laik iu, ai hav lods of girls u uld laik to mit iu!"
Barack: "Thank you. Now that this is settled, I have to go."
Silvio: "Mr Obamaaaa..."


PS: scherzi a parte, come farà Silvio a giustificare con la Lega che l'Italia si porta a casa 3 prigionieri di Guantanamo????

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