ciao a tutti
sott'acqua *** unter wasser ** under water *** blubb!
lasciamo a voi l'assegnazione del nome giusto (traduzioni in italiano tutte nostre): frog fish (letteralmente pesce rana), baby white tip shark (squaletto pinna bianca), trumpet fish (pesce tromba), longfin bannerfish (pesce bandiera pinna lunga), trigger fish ("pesce grilletto", pesce balestra), stella marina, manta ray (manta gigante), sharksucker ("succhiasquali", in gergo remora), manta shrimp (gamberetto manta), blue striped snapper (snapper striato di azzurro)
wir ueberlassen euch die richtige betitelung der fische (uebersetzungen frei nach fiona, fla und wiki):
frog fish (woertlich frosch fisch, zu deutsch anglerfish), baby white tip shark (weissflossen babyhai), trumpet fish (trompetenfisch), longfin bannerfish (wimpelfisch), trigger fish (drueckerfisch), seestern, manta ray (manta), sharksucker (woertlich "haisauger", schiffshalter), manta shrimp (manta-garnele), blue striped snapper (blaugestreifter schnappfisch)
un bacione turchese
Bacione turchese?
I was in Turkey at a time when women were not seen in public wearing trousers - let alone anyone would speak of kissing, worse "do" it... hence I guess I am too old to know the meaning of a turkish kiss. And turkish delight is not my cup of tea either...
Happy snorkling, diving, kissing =:)
says the expert on refrigerator temperatures...
yeah but the kiss was turquoise not turkish!
... shall catch you next time ... but what a beautiful place to spend a holiday.
Gönne euch beiden jeden Augenblick.
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