certo c'e' chi dira' che senza bush jr. non ci sarebbe stato obama. sara'. ma questa e' una fortuna della storia, mica una scusa per te, al!
I was watching an inconvenient truth by al gore (nice documentary), when I saw the sequence inserted about the lost elections in 2000 - by the way: what was the point in including it? - and I got mad again. I realised that I'm still ****ing angry for the amateurish behaviour with which he/we lost those elections. and don't reduce it to florida, the recount, the supreme court decision and don't tell me about the useless victory in popular vote: it was simply impossible to lose as vice president elect after 8 years of unprecedented economic boom. by contrast, mr. mc cain in 2008 with his 47% of votes in the middle of an economic, moral and military crisis appears to be a political giant... and do not forget that it would have been sufficient to win tennessee, his home state...
well, some will argue that without bush jr., the election of obama wouldn't have been possible. but this is simply a lucky turning point of history. for sure not an excuse for yourself, al!
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