beh, visto che da meta' novembre saro' alla ricerca di un posto di lavoro, iniziamo a fare un po' di semiseria pubblicita' creativa :O)
(clicca sul grafico per vedere meglio)
da ich ja ab mitte november auf jobsuche sein werde, beginnen wir mit ein wenig kreativer werbung :O)
(klick auf chart, um diesen zu vergroessern)
we do feel sorry for you.... ;-)
hihi (hug) got who zou are!!!
aaahhhhhh! hug hehee
Excusez moi, mais il ne faut pas plaindre Fla. Où serait son défi qu'il recherche toujours?
Plutôt assures toi de bien jouir ce boulot sans oublier de passer du bon temps le week-end.
Cela te conviens?
Mais amusant
has no clue... scipione? dr. livingstone? other... "african"?
probably not.... would have seen this from the access stats :O)...
it seems so not alex as well...
Well, if you meant me by ELI, then you guessed right.
If not, you didn't. Was an amusing little riddle so.
good thing this homonymous names :O)
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